Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Run down on the basics

When you fly into Iraq the best bet is still from Dubai. How you get to Dubai is dependent upon the going rates at the time. From Dubai to Erbil you will need to fly Kurdistan Airlines. When you arrive and Erbil International Airport, do not be surprised by the size. What it lacks physical stature it more then makes up for in historical and political importance. When you arrive you will be processed by the Iraqi military as soon as you walk into the building. If you do not have a visa they will stamp you passport telling you to see immigration within 10 days. By the time you make it through this checkpoint your luggage will be already waiting for you. Do not worry about someone stealing it. There are more security guards around then at a Prince concert and before you are allowed to leave the baggage area you will have to show proof that the bags you have are your own.

Once you are inside of Iraq and you have hired a ride to where you need to go you will need to go to the immigration office. When you go there you will need to bring a passport style photo with you. They will send you to get your blood checked and they will ask you a number of questions. It really helps if you have a guide who knows people in the office. If not, then be prepared to wait around for a while. 

Paying to stay in a motel is nice, but can be very expensive after a while. If you plan on staying more then three months it is best to rent a house or an apartment. There are agencies that are responsible for rentals. Find one that serves you best and go with them to see the houses or apartments. Find one that is in your budget and go for it. Once they call the owner down to the office you will both sign a contract. It is customary to may for 3 to 4 months of rent at a time. Rent for an unfurnished spacious three bedroom apartment is around $500 per month. You will have to pay the agency around $100 for their services. Once you have your apartment, and you have paid everyone you will need to go to the security office with you new paperwork, a passport photo, a letter from someone verifying that you are there for a real reason and that you have an income to support yourself. You will need to jump through a lot of hoops at the security office and be prepared to sit and wait a lot. The sitting is broken up by answering the same questions every time you go into a new office. Once you have waiting long enough and answered enough questions you will be given two pieces of paper. You must take these both back to the rental agency and have them stamp both. They will keep one and give you the other. 

Furnishing your apartment of house if the easy part. The furniture is very cheap by American standards as are the appliances, sheets, pillows, blankets, heaters, tables, and throw rugs. Of course if the low price does not flatter you then the fact that everything is delivered to you door just might add that extra little bit to make you a happy camper.

Once you have those things taken care of you will have to start to learn the culture and language, where everything is in the city, and settle into you new job (whatever that is).

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