Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Feb 12, 2007

I am sorry that I have not written in a while. We are now settling in and I did not think writing about fixing electrical problems, learning how to use kerosene heaters, changing our cleaning and eating habits to be in tune with the locals was much of a conversation piece. Yet maybe it is.

My sister and I took a really long walk up to the cities dam and water reservoir. It is a very interesting structure that was built by hauling in tons and tons of small rocks and piling them on top of each other. It was a small stream when it started by now it has built itself into becoming a larger reservoir. We were again taken aback by the beauty of the surroundings here. The mountains kissed by snow, the valleys hanging on to a tinge of green, the water shining dark blue against a light blue sky. Clouds hanging on with a skeins breath. The area is majestic and sometimes it makes your breath catch in your throat just to be allowed to see it. God blesses us in so many ways.

We are settling into our apartment very nicely. We are developing a routine that keeps us working. We find that we work around electrical power. Every night we work until 1am or later if the power stays on. When they cut the power out we go to bed. At 10 am out interpreter comes and we send him on errands, have him translate documents for us, or he will teach us Kurdish. Around noon the power will go out and we take this time to talk to each other and go over what we all have been working on, and what we have learned. Sometimes we will go down to the restaurant below our house and eat.

My sister goes to the University on Weekdays and helps them with writing in English. Currently she is helping the university with the website and different letters and document they send out. Her day usually ends around 1 or 2pm. That is when power comes back on as well.

After this is when most people are out of work so we start meeting with business associates and university contacts. Most of our business meetings seem to take place at each others’ houses at 9pm. I think I have discussed more business after 9pm then any other time of the day.

On the business side of the house I have been looking hardcore into starting a recycling center here in Dohuk. I am currently talking to buyers for my PET, LDPE, and HDPE plastics. I will also offer aluminum. Included in this research is how much it will cost to truck my goods to Mersin Port in Turkey, and then ship them to whoever wants them. Then you add the cost of machinery purchase, maintenance, operation, and personnel then you have the main costs associated with running this business. Soon I will have all of the numbers and I will be able to approach investors and get my business rolling.

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